Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Socks and Lox

This was one of those moments that are unplanned, when serendipity strikes and a camera is at hand. My niece's Bat Mitzvah weekend culminated with a Sunday brunch. You know the scene:sumptuous buffet line of bagels, lox, cream cheese, omelettes;  everyone trickling in, wearing their casual traveling clothes for the long trips homeward. As we sat and ate and schmoozed, somehow the topic of knitting socks came up, and to show my Aunt what is the current trend in sock knittery, I, DH, and my niece all stuck our foot up over the table and CLICK! the photographer caught it -- not on film, but on memory card. 

From left to right: DH in Plymouth Sockotta (it faded horribly with the first wash); neice in Opal Petticoat with glass beads around the cufflet; and me in Trekking XXL Aquarelle.


Hi Judy - You should receive your package on Wednesday! I hope you like all the goodies!

Your SP
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