Monday, October 30, 2006

Blog Break Busy-ness

Here (finally) are the finished Yellow Socklets:

I used Fortissima Cotton Colori in yellow and created the bands with leftover wool yarn from other sock projects. Unfortunately, they look better than they fit and feel "on the foot." Sigh...

And here's my newest sock project:

This is Fortissima Colori Socka Color in Safari. It's a wool/nylon sock yarn. I thought that I wasn't going to like the colors, but I've surprised myself -- very autumnal! I'm doing a beaded rib pattern for the cuff (*P1,K1, P1, K1, P1* repeat; *P1, K3, P1* repeat....)

And Now For Something Different...........

Okay. So, as if I didn't have enough fibery irons
in the fire, I added yet another "creative outlet" to the list: spinning! I took a class at my lys (local yarn store) and here's the fugly result:

In my defense, I didn't get to pick the colors of the yarn; I was given the ecru to spin with in class and then had to spin the yellow roving as my "homework." Then in the 2nd class, we learned how to ply the two yarn strands together. I AM totally responsible for the unique thin-thick strands. My teacher tried to convince me that a few months from now I'll want to recreate this free-spirit style of yarn and won't be able to. Somehow I doubt it.

After my class was over I looked around for more wool roving to spin and found some leftover yellow wool. So I finished spinning the yellow:

Notice the cute paws? Those belong to Mickey.

I think the yarn is looking better, don't you? I'm beginning to get the hang of this spinning thing.

I then spun up a little of some plain roving that I'd gotten off of ebay. Just a few yards. Not content to leave it "plain," I used some leftover KoolAid stuff to dye the yarn. What does it look like? What did I do with it then?

To be continued.....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm Back!

So here's the thing. I was so burned out by having to post every week for the Secret Pal 8 that I just needed a blog break. But I didn't take a break from knitting.No, no, no.... except for this tendonitis thing, which has been slowing me down a bit. But it's not the knitting that's causing it; it's this laptop keyboard.

So what have I been up to?

The Big Easy Jacket is coming along. I love the colors! I hate the color of the bathroom tile in the background. But that's another story.


I've finished the Beaded Socklets for my niece....again. This time I hope she can get them on.

OOPS, I think this is the original pic. I'll have to correct that.

I've also finished the Yellow Socklets -- pic to follow tomorrow. I started a new cardigan for a knitalong at my local yarn store. Love the yarn I'm using.

And I'm in to some new stuff related to knitting. A new twist, you might say. More to come....

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