Sunday, January 17, 2010
Resolved: Moving
My New Year's blog resolution has begun to take hold: I have moved my blog to WordPress. Click on the link and it should take you to it.

If not, the address is:
See ya' over there!

Friday, January 01, 2010
A New Year Begins
And Projects Happen
I've been knitting with color; no plans in advance just knit as I go with Cascade 220. I used a short row heel and it fits quite well. Nice bed socks.

I've been scouring(cleaning) some shetland fleece, one handful at a time. On the right is a lock of the wool before cleaning. And on the left is a lock after soaking in hot water with Dawn dishwashing detergent(15 minutes), a plain water rinse/soak followed by another rinse with a glug of vinegar. Isn't the difference amazing!
to be continued........
Happy New Year!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Four Becomes Three
Goodbye Sophie

It is with great sadness that I must change my blog description from "four cats" to "three cats." We have lost our so-loved little feline gremlin sprite, Sophie.

It was sudden -- in mid-step on her way to "hunt" birds outside the window perch she had what seems to be a sudden arrhythmia. I was there, and I stroked her and talked her from this world to beyond. The post-mortem showed her having a thickened left ventricle.

She was just shy of 5 years old.
We miss her and the other cats miss her.
But I know that her life with us was wonderful and full, and we are grateful that we were gifted with her in our lives.

Friday, September 26, 2008
Wonderful Wednesday
Wednesday was a wonder-filled day.
What a wonderful gift package I received from my Secret Pal! Here's just part of it -- Look at the spa products: Jafra Ginger and Seaweed Body Massage Cream, Massage Oil, and Hand Cream. They smell divine.

The yarns are a pretty green tweed in cotton and acrylic. I 'm intrigued by this yarn: it's soft and pretty. I never would have picked it out, but I'm so glad you did, Karen, my no-longer-a-secret pal!

<--- Here's an close-up
Included and shown in the the foreground is an oh, so lovely skein of 100% BABY ALPACA. The blue is hard to photograph accurately. Believe me, I tried. It is a rich, deep blue with a purple tinge to it. That really comes out it the picture. I did the face snuggle test and this skein passed with flying colors! So soft....ahhhhh.....purrrr.

A really neat bag, that came with the Jafra set of spa products. Oh, I LOVE bags!
~ AND ~
The needles and stitch markers!
Look how pretty:

Thank you so much Karen. I will really enjoy all of it!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Flat Tire Tuesday
What else is there to say? Except that it was what the AAA guy called a "ghost flat" -- no evidence of a cause. Creepy. A good Halloween car malady. The lucky thing was that I realized there was a problem while I was still on my own block. Turned around and coasted back down the hill -- slowly -- to my house. The frustrating thing was that it made me miss a Dr. appointment, which is not so easy to schedule. All in all, a minor thing in the key of life.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Socks and Lox

This was one of those moments that are unplanned, when serendipity strikes and a camera is at hand. My niece's Bat Mitzvah weekend culminated with a Sunday brunch. You know the scene:sumptuous buffet line of bagels, lox, cream cheese, omelettes; everyone trickling in, wearing their casual traveling clothes for the long trips homeward. As we sat and ate and schmoozed, somehow the topic of knitting socks came up, and to show my Aunt what is the current trend in sock knittery, I, DH, and my niece all stuck our foot up over the table and CLICK! the photographer caught it -- not on film, but on memory card.
From left to right: DH in Plymouth Sockotta (it faded horribly with the first wash); neice in Opal Petticoat with glass beads around the cufflet; and me in Trekking XXL Aquarelle.